... and then they came for the large, muscular pugilist women, but I said nothing, for I was neither large, nor muscular, nor a pugilist, nor a woman...
(With apologies to Rev Martin Niemöller)
The fans of cancel culture have rejoiced in collecting the scalp of Cara Carano, largely by misconstruing her various statements. I'm not going to deconstruct or defend Ms. Carano, she's a big girl who can speak for and take care of herself, and appears to be adept at landing on her feet.
“They can’t cancel us if we don’t let them,”
Quite right, and quite so.
The fans of cancel culture have a clear message: be silent, or if you must speak, speak with so many explanatory curlicues and genuflections to their paradigm that one's message is irretrievable compromised and lost.
The thing is, if you've alienated France, a country that until now hasn't met a Leftist ideology it didn't embrace, it's all over. Elvis has well and truly left the building.
Go home, cancel culture fans. You're drunk.
Cancel culture is, as professor Loury mentioned in the lecture referenced in Things of Note #2, "a bluff and a bludgeon", whose purpose is to sustain other progressivist constructs that would quickly fly to pieces of their own inconsistencies.
Ultimately, cancel culture is about obtaining the submission and validation that they so desperately craved, but didn't get from prevailing in the election. (Note I did not say "winning" the election.) Why else, would they as the Blogfather points out through Tucker Carlson, they "'Won everything', why are they so 'crazy person mad'?"
As my colleague-in-liberty the GeekWitha.45 opined in that thread:
"Occam's razor says: Their anger is because they know that despite having "won" an electoral feat, they didn't get what it was that they actually wanted. My estimation is that what they really wanted was universal cognitive capitulation and vindication of their world view.
They're simply pissed because the did not obtain the hearts and minds of their opposition, or destroy the incompatible, mutually exclusive axioms underpinning a worldview that opposes them.
That's what it's ultimately about: the complete destruction of competing world views, and if necessary, the people who hold them. Their fever dream of a "Blue Tsunami" sweeping away all the regressive deplorables didn't happen, and instead they find themselves opposed in even greater numbers than last time.
They've prevailed in their election, they've collected their scalps, and still, it isn't working.
This frighten them to the core.
Some of them are going to realize that they're drunk and go home to reconsider whether going after people's families, relationships and livelihoods is consistent with The Way of the Free and Decent Human
Others, however too deeply invested in the paradigm for any such reconsideration or reckoning, too drunk on the moral approval and social power it brings them to stop themselves.
Frightened, angry people with political and social power are dangerous.
Nonetheless, no one should be intimidated. The world has always been filled with people like that, but there have always been good and decent people to oppose them.
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