Saturday, November 14, 2020

Some thoughts on the Election of 2020

 What I will say is that the 2020 presidential election is not over.

At this point, I have to say that this election proves many things, but actually solves nothing, no matter who ultimately prevails in the currently contested feat of constitutional conjuring.

The kaleidoscopic factions of our polity accrete around two mega factions. These factions are characterized by:

  • Proceeding from incompatible and mutually exclusive first principles.
  • Neither of which can agree even upon a common description of reality itself and
  • Neither of which will accept dominion by the other.
  • Both of which are exploited by a power elite whose highest priority is the preservation of the post constitutional order that is the engine of their gravy train.

In full social, political and economic context, elections cannot resolve any of those things. The only thing it can resolve is whose turn it is to clean the toilets, and whose turn it is to poop in them.

The other thing that's worth understanding is that there are two entirely different levels of proof in play:

  • There is justified reasonable doubt as to the legitimacy of the purported Biden win.
But this is not the same as:
  • There is proof beyond reasonable doubt of wide scale, outcome changing fraud, or of the myriad individual acts of fraud that add up to an election changing difference. 

The difference between these two things describes a region of ambiguity. Maintaining that region of ambiguity and the context of fait accompli is all that is needed to sustain a putative Biden win, and with it, a democracy of uncertain integrity. 

Americans will fight to keep their electoral democracy (1) if they're certain it is actually at stake, but people don't want to bet their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor on an ambiguity. 

Establishing AuthenticRealityFact as to the integrity of our zombie(2) republic's electoral democracy is therefore of crucial import, but the context is such that establishing that AuthenticRealityFact may not be possible, and the benefit of the doubt accrues to Biden & Co. 

(1) To the extent that voting is ethical in the first place. There are ethical limits as to what can be legitimately voted upon.

(2) Our republic is, and has been in a state of partial collapse for almost 100 years. That's a whole other topic. 


  1. I'm stealing this for a post at Facebook. And welcome back to blogging. We've missed you.

  2. Be my guest. It's good to be back.

    Important additional thoughts have occurred to me, this post will be updated.


Offered, FWIW.

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